Members of our chapter can help accelerate the pace of type 1 diabetes research by partnering with JDRF to raise funds for the annual Dayton Summer Soiree campaign. All you have to do is set up a Fund A Cure page, e-mail the link to your peers, and ask them to support T1D research. To get started, please sign up here. 

Click here to join!

For more than 40 years, JDRF has been a leader in the search for an end to diabetes (T1D), through both research funding and advocacy. During that time, we have always talked about a cure as a singular destination: a return to normal physiology.

But today, we realize that we are engaged in a process of curing type 1 diabetes- that a cure is not just a destination but also a journey along a path. And we recognize that a part of our mission must be to help those living with type 1 today to live healthier, easier, and safer lives until we arrive at the end of that path.